Utility Undergrounding

Utility Undergrounding

In 1998 San Francisco Beautiful undertook a campaign to advocate for the undergrounding of utility wires. The campaign resulted in the Undergrounding Taskforce which combine private and public funds to underground a small part of is ongoing.

Street Lighting

Street Lighting

San Francisco Beautiful advocates preparation of a comprehensive street lighting and outdoor lighting plan.

Sidewalk Cafes

Sidewalk Cafes

In 1993, San Francisco Beautiful worked with North Beach merchants and the Department of Public Works to draft Order 162,240, which made outdoor cafe and restaurant seating legal in San Francisco.

Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond

Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond

Sixty-eight percent of voters approved the Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond (Measure B). While the bulk of bond proceeds are for repaving or reconstruction of deteriorating streets, funds will also go towards implementing citywide pedestrian & bicycle safety improvements, increasing sidewalk accessibility, upgrading traffic signal infrastructure and strengthening bridges, overpasses and stairways. SF Beautiful […]

Play Streets

Play Streets

A pilot program designed to make it easier for residents to close a block or two to cars and open them for play and community-building. SF Beautiful partnered with Sunday Streets to hold workshops to get neighborhood organizers up to speed on best practices for holding successful events. The program successfully reduced the fees and […]



In 1992, San francisco Beautiful established a taskforce that included publishers, community groups, DPW, and the City Attorneys to forge a plan that would eliminate the clutter and hazards of unmitigated newsracks while preserving the publications right to sell papers. The City instituted a pilot program which resulted in the development of a pedestal mounted […]

Mid-Market Activation Report

Mid-Market Activation Report

In 1961, a report entitled “What to Do About Market Street” stated that “Market Street is a Paradox.  It is San Francisco’s most famous street. It is wide, busy, and important. But is is also congested, dirty and unattractive.” Fifty years later these sentiments still persist. Once Northern California’s center for theatre and entertainment, the […]

Market Street Beautification Bond

Market Street Beautification Bond

In 1968 San Francisco voters approved a bond issue for Market Street reconstruction and beautification. San Francisco Beautiful advocated for the creation and successful passage of this funding to improve and enhance the character of Market Street. Friedel Klussmann was appointed by the Mayor to the Beautification Committee and helped with project oversight and community […]

Graffiti Legislation

Graffiti Legislation

SF Beautiful wrote the 1991 legislation establishing the Neighborhood Beautification and Graffiti Cleanup Fund (now known and the Community Challenge Grant) which provides small grants to community projects. Proposition D passed by a wide margin. Part of the grant included providing neighbors with Graffiti Defense kits for cleaning and painting over graffiti. In 1994, San Francisco Beautiful […]

Embarcadero Freeway

Embarcadero Freeway

For 30 years Friedel and San Francisco Beautiful fought local and state planners, and legislators tempted by federal funds to build freeways throughout the City – specifically along the Northern Waterfront, the Embarcadero, and through Golden Gate Park. From the January 2, 1969 Planning Commission meeting minutes: Mrs. Klussman replied that she believed that the waterfront […]