Tenderloin People’s Garden and Mural

Solana Foo and a handful of neighborhood artists created a beautiful mural for the Tenderloin People’s Garden on the side of the McAllister Hotel. It is a vibrant mural that exemplifies the community at its zenith. It faces Civic Center Park and City Hall.
Heart of the City Farmers’ Market

For 35 years this farmer’s market has improved on every Wednesday and Sunday year-round at San Francisco’s United Nations Plaza, located along Market Street between 7th and 8th Streets above Civic Center BART Station. They operate as an independent non-profit with a mission to bring healthy food and nutrition education outreach to a fresh food […]
Gideon Kramer

Since 2003, Gideon Kramer has taken personal responsibility for completely rehabilitating and maintaining a 400 ft length of planter beds along the Dolores St. side of Mission High School. Not only has he taken the initiative to rehab and maintain these gardens on a continual basis, but he also keeps the entire Dolores St. side […]
Dolores Street Pollinator Boulevard

The grassy islands that divide Dolores Street are one of the most visible casualties of San Francisco’s drought. Withered brown patches have been spreading through the once lush medians since the city staunched their irrigation in an effort to conserve water. The solution seemed obvious – to tear out the thirsty turf and populate the […]
BRITE (Bayview Residents Improving Their Environment)

Founded in 2011, BRITE (Bayview Residents Improving Their Environment) has been bringing the Bayview Hunters Point community together and initiating programs to improve safety and security, economic development, beautification and transportation. BRITE holds monthly meetings at the Bayview Library, hosting D10 Supervisor’s Office, SFPD, DPW, SFPUC and other agencies to inform Bayview residents about activities […]
Marianne Horine & Sheree Kaslikowski

In 2015 Marianne Horine & Sheree Kaslikowski were awarded the Unsung Hero Award. This award recognizes an individual or team that has provided a service to the City that is largely unrecognized but makes a significant contribution to creating, enhancing, and protecting the beauty and livability of San Francisco. For more than 40 years, San […]
Lincoln Park Steps

In 2015 Lincoln Park Steps was awarded the Public Program Award. This award recognizes inspirational grassroots action. The Lincoln Park Steps sit at the edge of Lincoln Park on the Western end of California Street and date back to the early 1900’s. In 2007, Friends of Lincoln Park founders, Anna Yatroussis and Meg Autry, had the vision […]
Excelsior Action Group

In 2015 Excelsior Action Group was awarded the Activation Award. This award recognizes those who convert under-utilized spaces into vibrant useful spaces. Excelsior Action Group is a volunteer-driven, community-based, nonprofit organization that leads and implements a variety of projects on the corridor, including both large and small events, capital improvements, beautification, and safety work. Today, they continue […]
Kathleen Russell

In 2014 Kathleen Russell was awarded the Unsung Hero Award. Kathleen Russell has been gardening at the Fulton and Stanyan corner of Golden Gate Park for many decades. But it isn’t just her garden that’s beautiful. Kathleen greets everyone – from tourist to neighbor to homeless person in need – with love and light. She […]
Far Out West Community Garden

In 2014 Far Out West Community Garden was awarded the Activation Award. Far Out West is a community garden that recently sprang to life from the great ideas and hard work of Outer Sunset neighbors. The site was formerly a disused concrete lot; now it is a beautiful community garden providing educational opportunities for neighbors […]