Prop A & C
In 2000, San Francisco Beautiful supported Proposition A, a $110 million general obligation bond measure that will fund acquisition, repair, and improvement of San Francisco’s neighborhood parks, fields, and natural areas. Proposition C, a charter amendment to extend the city’s Open Space Fund and establish a Citizen’s Advisory Committee to oversee the Fund. It also […]
Parks Bond 2012
The 2012 Parks Bond allocated an additional $195 million for parks. To date, more than 100 park facilities have been renovated providing essential safety and beautification upgrades. San Francisco Beautiful advocated for this Bond passage and supports more funding (Bond and General Funds) for parks.
Parks Bond 2008
The 2008 Parks Bond which provided $195 million in bond funding for deferred maintenance in San Francisco’s Park system. San Francisco Beautiful advocated for this Bond passage and supports more funding (Bond and General Funds) for parks.
Emerald Park
In 2013, San Francisco Beautiful gave a beautification award to Emerald Park, a newly created half acre park that was formed through a conservation easement initiated but the developer. The property is part of a housing development that will be publicly accessible in perpetuity thanks to the easement. For more than 40 years, San Francisco […]
Dolores Park Works
In 2012, San Francisco Beautiful recognized Dolores Park Works with a Beautification Award. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has been honoring San Franciscans who make special contributions to the unique character and beauty of our City with the Annual Beautification Awards.
Superintendent Brian O’Neill
In 2009, San Francisco Beautiful recognized Superintendent Brian O’Neillwith an In Memoriam Lifetime Achievement Award. Brian O’Neill was head of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area who passed away unexpectedly in 2009. O’Neill championed many projects including the Crissy Field restoration and was known for his ‘friend-raising.’ For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has […]
La Playa Park
In 2009, San Francisco Beautiful recognized La Playa Park with a Beautification Award. La Playa at 48th Avenue in the Outer Sunset has transformed a litter-filled median strip into a quiet respite. This project was created and is maintained by neighbors and those at the Java Beach Cafe. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has […]
Visitacion Valley Greenway
In 2008, San Francisco Beautiful gave a Beautification Award to the Visitacion Valley Greenway Project, a re-purposed blighted property that was converted into a public park. This series of six publicly-owned parcels functions as an outdoor classroom and recreation area beautifying the landscape and uniting the diverse groups of Visitacion Valley. Park features include a native plant […]
Immigrant Point
In 2008, the restoration of Immigrant Point, a scenic overlook in the Presidio, received a Beautification Award. Immigrant Point Overlook has served as the dramatic setting for naturalization ceremonies. The site links visitors with nature, trails and stunning views. A graceful stone plaza with displays showcases the area’s natural beauty. The Trail Network along the western […]
Alvord Lake
In 2008, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the restoration of Alvord Lake, located at the southeast of Golden Gate Park, with a Beautification Award. This lakelet has been lovingly taken under the wing of the Alvord Lake Gardening Party which meets every fourth Saturday to plant, weed, trim, pick up litter and sweep. For more than 40 […]