Emerald Park

In 2013, San Francisco Beautiful gave a beautification award to Emerald Park, a newly created half acre park that was formed through a conservation easement initiated but the developer. The property is part of a housing development that will be publicly accessible in perpetuity thanks to the easement. For more than 40 years, San Francisco […]
Clement Street Pole Gardens

In 2013, the Clement Street Pole Gardens Project was honored for their creativity in bringing beauty to unexpected public spaces. The Clement Street Pole Gardens are small hanging gardens placed on various parking meters along Clement Street in the Richmond. Neighbors really enjoyed this anonymous gardener’s whimsical approach to making the street more beautiful and […]
Noriega Parklet

In 2012, the newly installed Parklet at 46th Ave and Noriega was honored for its innovative design. As the first perpendicular parklet, this project is (de)paving the way for future public placemaking design breakthroughs. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has been honoring San Franciscans who make special contributions to the unique character […]
Dolores Park Works

In 2012, San Francisco Beautiful recognized Dolores Park Works with a Beautification Award. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has been honoring San Franciscans who make special contributions to the unique character and beauty of our City with the Annual Beautification Awards.
Pavement to Parks

In 2011, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the city’s Pavement to Parks Program with a Beautification Award. With a focus on activating our streets and sidewalks, the San Francisco Planning Department, the Department of Public Works and the Municipal Transportation Agency are reclaiming underutilized spaces in the public realm by creating vibrant, beautiful gathering spaces. For more than […]

In 2011, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the Heron’s Head Eco-Center, a project of Literacy for Environmental Justice, with a Beautification Award. Once a former Bay landfill at Hunter’s point, the organization Literacy for Environmental Justice built an off-the-grid, sustainable classroom to teach environmental justice and urban sustainability to youth. For more than 40 years, San Francisco […]
Tenderloin National Forest

In 2010, San Francisco Beautiful gave a Beautification Award to the Tenderloin National Forest. Two decades in the making, this alley in the heart of a challenged neighborhood has been transformed, with funding from the Art Commission and Mayor’s office, into a garden of redwood trees, performance and public art, classes and activities. For more than […]
Pennsylvania Garden

In 2010, San Francisco Beautiful gave a Beautification Award to the Pennsylvania Garden, a volunteer-created project that transformed a blighted lot in Potrero Hill into a garden. Creative vision, ingenuity, knowledge of horticulture and the inspirational leadership of Annie Shaw and a group of volunteers have transformed a leftover freeway “no man’s land” into an extraordinary […]
Mint Plaza

In 2010, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the Mint Plaza revitalization project with a Beautification Award. This former alley is now a public pedestrian plaza, donated to the City by the Martin Building Company, and maintained and managed by the non-profit Friends of Mint Plaza. With movable chairs for frequent events, this sophisticated design provides a new […]
Land’s End/GGNRA Trail Revitalization

In 2010, the Land’s End and Coastal Trail Revitalization Project was honored for their contribution to open space in San Francisco. With the support of a tremendous volunteer effort, this project made one of our most beautiful places accessible for visitors while providing protection for local wildlife. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful […]