Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond
Sixty-eight percent of voters approved the Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond (Measure B). While the bulk of bond proceeds are for repaving or reconstruction of deteriorating streets, funds will also go towards implementing citywide pedestrian & bicycle safety improvements, increasing sidewalk accessibility, upgrading traffic signal infrastructure and strengthening bridges, overpasses and stairways. SF Beautiful […]
Prop A & C
In 2000, San Francisco Beautiful supported Proposition A, a $110 million general obligation bond measure that will fund acquisition, repair, and improvement of San Francisco’s neighborhood parks, fields, and natural areas. Proposition C, a charter amendment to extend the city’s Open Space Fund and establish a Citizen’s Advisory Committee to oversee the Fund. It also […]
Parks Bond 2012
The 2012 Parks Bond allocated an additional $195 million for parks. To date, more than 100 park facilities have been renovated providing essential safety and beautification upgrades. San Francisco Beautiful advocated for this Bond passage and supports more funding (Bond and General Funds) for parks.
Parks Bond 2008
The 2008 Parks Bond which provided $195 million in bond funding for deferred maintenance in San Francisco’s Park system. San Francisco Beautiful advocated for this Bond passage and supports more funding (Bond and General Funds) for parks.
Market Street Beautification Bond
In 1968 San Francisco voters approved a bond issue for Market Street reconstruction and beautification. San Francisco Beautiful advocated for the creation and successful passage of this funding to improve and enhance the character of Market Street. Friedel Klussmann was appointed by the Mayor to the Beautification Committee and helped with project oversight and community […]
Embarcadero Freeway
For 30 years Friedel and San Francisco Beautiful fought local and state planners, and legislators tempted by federal funds to build freeways throughout the City – specifically along the Northern Waterfront, the Embarcadero, and through Golden Gate Park. From the January 2, 1969 Planning Commission meeting minutes: Mrs. Klussman replied that she believed that the waterfront […]
Clean Green and Safe Budget
In 2014, San Francisco Beautiful advocated for the passage of the Clean Green and Safe Budget. Over time, the City’s budget investment in basic cleaning, greening, and safety services for parks, streets, and other public spaces has been dramatically reduced. With the passage of the Clean Green and Safe budget package the City will begin reversing […]
SPUR Urban Center
In 2009, San Francisco Beautiful recognized San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) Urban Center with a Beautification Award. SPUR designed and funded the building of a place for the facilitation of public engagement and debate regarding civic and urban design issues important to the future of the San Francisco Bay Area. For more […]