Clean Green and Safe Budget

Clean Green and Safe Budget

In 2014, San Francisco Beautiful advocated for the passage of the Clean Green and Safe Budget. Over time, the City’s budget investment in basic cleaning, greening, and safety services for parks, streets, and other public spaces has been dramatically reduced. With the passage of the Clean Green and Safe budget package the City will begin reversing […]

Cable Cars

Cable Cars

In 1947, our founder, Friedel Klussmann, organized the Citizens Committee to Save the Cable Cars, fought back many threats through the years to curtail or abolish the system and finally in 1971 led the successful Proposition Q ballot initiative for the City Charter amendment freezing the minimum cable car service at the levels provided for as of July of that year.



SF Beautiful has long worked to limit the presence of billboards, general advertising, and other visual pollution throughout the city. We pass and enforce legislation to limit, reduce, and regulate billboards, and general advertising.

Better Market Street

Better Market Street

Better Market Street is a coalition of City agencies tasked with improving and enhancing the public realm along Market Street between Octavia Blvd and the Embarcadero. San Francisco Beautiful sits on the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to the Better Market Streets Initiative. The CAC serves as a liaison to the City’s Better Market Street team, […]

1998 Tree Ordinance

1998 Tree Ordinance

San Francisco Beautiful supported the passage of the 1998 ordinance which required the Department of Public works to notice adjacent property owners and other interested organizations prior to removing a street tree. The ordinance also established an appeal process for tree removal and a permitting process for community members interested in planting or removing street trees.

Dolores Park Works

Dolores Park Works

In 2012, San Francisco Beautiful recognized Dolores Park Works with a Beautification Award. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has been honoring San Franciscans who make special contributions to the unique character and beauty of our City with the Annual Beautification Awards.

Superintendent Brian O’Neill

Superintendent Brian O’Neill

In 2009, San Francisco Beautiful recognized Superintendent Brian O’Neillwith an In Memoriam Lifetime Achievement Award. Brian O’Neill was head of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area who passed away unexpectedly in 2009. O’Neill championed many projects including the Crissy Field restoration and was known for his ‘friend-raising.’ For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has […]