Proposal – More Love
My vision for the art of the muni is a visual representation of the need to love everyone around us. Regardless of who they are if we are able to love our neighbors like our brothers we can have a much stronger community and grow more rich social relationships.
I think that using really bright colorful playful almost childlike mediums such as collage or crayon allow the rather simple yet bold figures stand out much more and let them be more impactful in the piece. In the pieces I included maps of the MUNI to look like skeletons and just added what I thought the living spirit of the city looked like in behind because like blood vessels in a body muni runs through the heart of the city and stops all over. The mediums I’m using are something I have become very accustomed to as I used them in the completion of my AP art portfolio this year and I plan to use the same materials moving forward. I hope you enjoy my vision and I’d love to bring more artwork to Muni.
Artist Bio
I’m a 17 year old AP art student at Redwood High School with a passion for color and art. If you were to see me at school I’d most likely be dressed in primary colors and carrying my box of 300 crayons. At school I spend 4 periods a day making art and it allowed me to figure out what it was I wanted to accomplish with my art. In my art I try to spread a message of love and I think all of the colors and the simplicity of the shapes allow for the message to be heard very clearly.