Ocean Avenue Beautification Project

In 2003, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the Ocean Avenue Beautification Project with a Beautification Award. Federal funds and support from MUNI with extensive input from community volunteers and merchants have made major improvements to a declining main street between Ingleside and the South of Twin Peaks area. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has been honoring […]
Mid-Embarcadero/South Beach Improvements

In 2003, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the improvements to Mid-Embarcadero/South Beach with a Beautification Award. These areas include the Ferry Building and Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, the South Beach Children’s Play Area and Rincon Park. The Port, SFRA, city agencies and BCDC worked with corporations and community groups to revitalize the Embarcadero area from Market Street south. For […]
Glen Canyon Park Habitat Restoration

In 2003, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the Glen Canyon Park Habitat Restoration with a Beautification Award. This project was managed by the Recreation and Park Department with continuous improvements and maintenance by community and corporate volunteers. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has been honoring San Franciscans who make special contributions to the unique character and […]
Daniel E. Koshland Park and Community Garden

In 2003, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the Daniel E. Koshland Park and Community Garden with a Beautification Award. The Koshland family gifted this property to the City and donated seed money. Volunteers from the Hayes Valley Neighborhood Parks Group and city staff provided materials and labor to build, improve and maintain the recreational, educational and communal garden […]
Corwin Street Community Garden

In 2003, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the Corwin Street Community Garden with a Beautification Award. The Koshland family gifted this property to the City and donated seed money. Volunteer community effort on Recreation and Park Department property using recycled and donated materials, extensive native planting and limited irrigation together created a lush, clean and educational greenspace above the Castro. […]
Asian Art Museum

In 2003, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the Asian Art Museum with a Beautification Award. The museum, located at 200 Larkin Street, is world class specialist museum that activates the Civic Center area. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has been honoring San Franciscans who make special contributions to the unique character and beauty of our City […]
Alice Fong Yu School Garden

In 2003, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the Alice Fong Yu School Garden with a Beautification Award. This garden is standard-setting space that beautifies its surroundings while teaching students to become stewards of their environment. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has been honoring San Franciscans who make special contributions to the unique character and beauty of our […]
16th Street BART Plaza

In 2003, San Francisco Beautiful recognized the 16th Street BART Plaza with a Beautification Award. BART, with various funding sources, worked extensively with the community and merchants to transform a dirty, vandalized station area into a colorful plaza in the Mission District. For more than 40 years, San Francisco Beautiful has been honoring San Franciscans who make […]